On dim, 2008-02-24 at 11:30 +0100, Frédéric Mantegazza wrote:
> On vendredi 22 février 2008, Frédéric wrote:
> > Bon, en relisant la LGPL, je pense que c'est tout bon : que ce soit du
> > code dérivé ou pas, je peux de toute façon migrer de la LGPL vers la GPL
> > (our CeCILL).
> Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me confirmer que la version C de la licence
> CeCILL est bien la version française de la Gnu/LGPL ?
> http://www.cecill.fr/licences/Licence_CeCILL-C_V1-fr.html
http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html :
CeCILL version 2
The CeCILL is a free software license, explicitly compatible
with the GNU GPL.
The text of the CeCILL uses a couple of biased terms that ought
to be avoided: “intellectual property” and “protection”; this
decision was unfortunate, because reading the license tends to
spread the presuppositions of those terms. However, this does
not cause any particular problem for the programs released under
the CeCILL.
Section 9.4 of the CeCILL commits the program's developers to
certain forms of cooperation with the users, if someone attacks
the program with a patent. You might look at that as a problem
for the developer; however, if you are sure you would want to
cooperate with the users in those ways anyway, then it isn't a
problem for you.