Re: Install party

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Author: Jerome KIEFFER
Date: 2003-03-17 18:58 -000
To: guilde
Subject: Re: Install party
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:33:45 +0100
Yoann <linux-yoann@???> wrote:

> dois-je le prendre ou il y en a déjà ?

Yen a déja mais to peux le prendre : Mieux y en a ... mieux c'est.

Jérôme @taz : Morgan 1200 + 1Go DDR in a 10L SS40G
"Windows 95 is a 32-bit shell for a 16-bit extension to an 8-bit
operating system designed for a 4-bit microprocessor by a 2-bit company
that can't stand one bit of competition."