exception in cpp

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Autor: Patrick Dupre
A: guilde
Assumpte: exception in cpp

Je suis un peu coince, alors je tente un peu ma chance sur la list.
Peut-etre Edgard pourrait m'aider.
Merci d'avance.

J'utilise un package de numerical recipes et je n'arrive pas a attraper une exception :
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'char const*'

valgrind me donne

==90891== Process terminating with default action of signal 6 (SIGABRT): dumping core
==90891==    at 0x505F034: __pthread_kill_implementation (pthread_kill.c:44)
==90891==    by 0x5005F1D: raise (raise.c:26)
==90891==    by 0x4FED901: abort (abort.c:79)
==90891==    by 0x4C9CDA8: __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler() [clone .cold] (vterminate.cc:95)
==90891==    by 0x4CAEC4B: __cxxabiv1::__terminate(void (*)()) (eh_terminate.cc:48)
==90891==    by 0x4C9C950: std::terminate() (eh_terminate.cc:58)
==90891==    by 0x4CAEED7: __cxa_throw (eh_throw.cc:98)
==90891==    by 0x4BF12F1: int odeint_I_ct<StepperDopr853<dens_mat_BAP_I_ct> >(BAP_struct_LV const*, double, double**, short) (in /home/pdupre/mylib/libODE_BAP_3_NR3.so.1.0)
==90891==    by 0x4BDD38D: call_ode_BAP_I0 (in /home/pdupre/mylib/libODE_BAP_3_NR3.so.1.0)
==90891==    by 0x4BDD79E: call_ode_BAP_I_V_sp (in /home/pdupre/mylib/libODE_BAP_3_NR3.so.1.0)
==90891==    by 0x404803: main (Density_matrix.c:1041)

Comment attaquer le probleme ?

 Patrick DUPRÉ                                 | | email: pdupre@???