Re: Fwd: Comment paramétrer le From de l'entête d'un message…

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著者: ChristianL
日付: 2023-08-15 13:33 -000
To: Christian Marillat, guilde
題目: Re: Fwd: Comment paramétrer le From de l'entête d'un message émis par anacron ?

Pas trop facile à lire mais je te joins le fichier

root@pcserveur-MS-7C92:~# cat /etc/aliases

      root@pcserveur-MS-7C92:~# cat /etc/dma/dma.conf

      # $DragonFly: src/etc/dma/dma.conf,v 1.2 2008/02/04 10:11:41
      matthias Exp $


      # Your smarthost (also called relayhost).  Leave blank if you
      don't want

      # smarthost support.

      # NOTE: on Debian systems this is handled via debconf!

      # Please use dpkg-reconfigure dma to change this value.


      # Use this SMTP port.  Most users will be fine with the default

      PORT 465

      # Path to your alias file.  Just stay with the default.

      ALIASES /etc/aliases

      # Path to your spooldir.  Just stay with the default.

      #SPOOLDIR /var/spool/dma

      # SMTP authentication

      AUTHPATH /etc/dma/auth.conf

      # Uncomment if you want TLS/SSL support


      # Uncomment if you want STARTTLS support (only used in combination



      # Pin the server certificate by specifying its SHA256 fingerprint.

      # Only makes sense if you use a smarthost.


      # Uncomment if you have specified STARTTLS above and it should be

      # to fail ("opportunistic TLS", use an encrypted connection when

      # but allow an unencrypted one to servers that do not support it)


      # Path to your local SSL certificate


      # If you want to use plain text SMTP login without using
      encryption, change

      # the SECURE entry below to INSECURE.  Otherwise plain login will
      only work

      # over a secure connection.  Use this option with caution.


      # Uncomment if you want to defer your mails.  This is useful if
      you are

      # behind a dialup line.  You have to submit your mails manually
      with dma -q


      # Uncomment if you want the bounce message to include the complete

      # message, not just the headers.


      # The internet hostname dma uses to identify the host.

      # If not set or empty, the result of gethostname(2) is used.

      # If MAILNAME is an absolute path to a file, the first line of
      this file

      # will be used as the hostname.

      # NOTE: on Debian systems this is handled via debconf!

      # Please use dpkg-reconfigure dma to change this value.

      MAILNAME /etc/mailname

      # Masquerade envelope from addresses with this address/hostname.

      # Use this if mails are not accepted by destination mail servers

      # your sender domain is invalid.

      # By default, MASQUERADE is not set.

      # Format: MASQUERADE [user@][host]

      # Examples:

      # MASQUERADE john@  on host "hamlet" will send all mails as

      # MASQUERADE percolator  will send mails as $username@percolator,
      e.g. fish@percolator

      # MASQUERADE herb@ert  will send all mails as herb@ert

      MASQUERADE vaujanycl@

      # Directly forward the mail to the SMARTHOST bypassing aliases and
      local delivery


Le 15/08/2023 à 15:35, Christian
      Marillat a écrit :

On 15 août 2023 15:27, ChristianL <vaujanycl@???> wrote:


alors que le message envoyé par anacron est refusé par la avec l'entête suivante :

Received: from root (uid 0)
id 1000041
by (DragonFly Mail Agent v0.13);
Mon, 14 Aug 2023 16:35:38 +0200
*From: Anacron <root>*
Subject: Anacron job 'cron.daily' on pcserveur-MS-7C92
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 16:35:38 +0200

Donc il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas dans ta configuration de dma. Je
ne connais pas dma, mais il y a quoi comme définition pour ALIASES ?
