Difficulté pour scanner avec la HP Color Laser MFP 178nw sou…


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Autor: Aimé Vareille
To: Guilde
Betreff: Difficulté pour scanner avec la HP Color Laser MFP 178nw sous Linux

Je butte pour configurer sous Linux le scanner d'une imprimante HP Color
Laser MFP 178nw .

Impression et numérisation fonctionnent bien sous Windows10 mais sous
Linux pour l'instant je ne parviens pas à faire fonctionner la
numérisation même avec le câble USB et sane sous Linux ; hplip ne trouve
pas l'imprimante sous linux mais cups et avahi y parviennent ...

# nmap HPF439095795B9.local Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at
2020-01-14 18:14 CET Nmap scan report for HPF439095795B9.local
( Host is up (0.013s latency). Not shown: 994 closed ports
PORT     STATE SERVICE 80/tcp   open  http 443/tcp  open  https 515/tcp 
open  printer 631/tcp  open  ipp 8080/tcp open  http-proxy 9100/tcp
open  jetdirect MAC Address: F4:39:09:57:95:B9 (Unknown) Nmap done: 1 IP
address (1 host up) scanned in 7.80 seconds

# avahi-discover Browsing domain 'local' on -1.-1 ... Browsing domain
'numericable.fr' on -1.-1 ... Browsing for services of type
'_workstation._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0 ... Browsing for services
of type '_ws._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0 ... Browsing for services of
type '_http._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0 ... Browsing for services of
type '_ipp._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0 ... Browsing for services of
type '_pdl-datastream._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0 ... Browsing for
services of type '_printer._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0 ... Browsing
for services of type '_scanner._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0 ...
Browsing for services of type '_http-alt._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0
... Browsing for services of type '_uscan._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0
... Browsing for services of type '_uscans._tcp' in domain 'local' on
3.0 ... Browsing for services of type '_privet._tcp' in domain 'local'
on 3.0 ... Found service 'HP Color Laser MFP 178nw (HPF439095795B9)' of
type '_ipp._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0. Found service 'ws_server
[a0:8e:78:a2:4b:ae]' of type '_ws._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0. Found
service 'mcenter [a0:8e:78:a2:4b:af]' of type '_workstation._tcp' in
domain 'local' on 3.0. Found service 'HP Color Laser MFP 178nw
(HPF439095795B9)' of type '_http._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0. Found
service 'HP Color Laser MFP 178nw (HPF439095795B9)' of type
'_pdl-datastream._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0. Found service 'HP Color
Laser MFP 178nw (HPF439095795B9)' of type '_printer._tcp' in domain
'local' on 3.0. Found service 'HP Color Laser MFP 178nw
(HPF439095795B9)' of type '_scanner._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0.
Found service 'HP Color Laser MFP 178nw (HPF439095795B9)' of type
'_http-alt._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0. Found service 'HP Color Laser
MFP 178nw (HPF439095795B9)' of type '_uscan._tcp' in domain 'local' on
3.0. Found service 'HP Color Laser MFP 178nw (HPF439095795B9)' of type
'_uscans._tcp' in domain 'local' on 3.0. Found service 'HP Color Laser
MFP 178nw (HPF439095795B9)' of type '_privet._tcp' in domain 'local' on

L'accès https://hpf439095795b9.local/sws/index.html donne accès aux
paramètres de l'imprimante mais ne permet pas de scanner.

Le modèle d'imprimante figure dans

La version 3.19.12 obtenue sur
https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/gethplip bloque
en affichant

"HPLIP cannot detect printers in your network.

This may be due to existing firewall settings blocking the required
ports. When you are in a trusted network environment, you may open the
ports for network services like mdns and slp in the firewall. For
detailed steps follow the link. http://hplipopensource.com/node/375"

Mais même en bricolant le firewall avec gufw de mon ubuntu 18.04.03 je
butte ... et http://hplipopensource.com/node/375 reste introuvable ...

Pas mieux pour l'instant sous Manjaro ...
