pdf warnings (fwd)


Nachricht beantworten
Autor: Michel Karatchentzeff
To: liste Guilde
Betreff: pdf warnings (fwd)
Bonjour à tous,

Je suis sous debian 3.16.0-7-amd64
J'ai des warnings intempestifs qui arrivent quand je lance xpdf.
Exemple :
$ Config Error: Unknown config file command 'unicodeMap'
Config Error: Some work needs to be done to suppport this option in the Poppler
version of xpdf
Config Error: Unknown config file command 'cidToUnicode'

Chez moi le xpdfrc se trouve dans /etc/xpdf
$ ls - /etc/xpdf/
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 702 févr. 15 14:30 includes
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2215 avril 17 2012 xpdfrc

D'après Google
donne la configuration du fichier xpdfrc et l'explicite ligne par ligne.
Il y est dit (juste avant "Examples")

> errQuiet oui | non
> Si la valeur est "yes", cela supprime tous les messages d'erreur et
> d'avertissement de tous les outils Xpdf. La valeur par défaut est
> "non".

Comme mon fichier /etc/xpdf/xpdfrc (voir après ma signature), n'a aucune
ligne de ce type, j'ai créé dans /home/mk/ un .xpdfrc contenant
# /home/mk/.xpdfrc
include /etc/xpdf/xpdfrc
errQuiet yes

mais j'ai toujours les mêmes erreurs quand je lance un pdf

Quelle est l'erreur que je fais dans la démarche ci dessus ?
L'un de vous aurait-il l'idée d'une autre démarche ?


Michel Karatchentzeff
Fondation Louis de Broglie, 23, rue Marsoulan, 75012 Paris, FRANCE

Mon fichier xpdfrc

# System-wide xpdfrc file
# Xpdf looks for a config file in the following two places:
# 1. ~/.xpdfrc
# 2. /etc/xpdf/xpdfrc
# Note that if ~/.xpdfrc exists, Xpdf will NOT read the system
# configuration file /etc/xpdf/xpdfrc. You may wish to include it
# from your ~/.xpdfrc using:
#    include /etc/xpdf/xpdfrc
# and then add additional settings.
# For complete details on config file syntax and available options,
# please see the xpdfrc(5) man page.
# http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/

#----- PostScript output control

# Set the default PostScript file or command.

psFile            "|lpr"

# Set the default PostScript paper size -- this can be letter, legal,
# A4, or A3. You can also specify a paper size as width and height
# (in points). Xpdf uses the paper size in /etc/papersize by default.

#psPaperSize        letter

#----- text output control

# Choose a text encoding for copy-and-paste output. The Latin1,
# ASCII7, and UTF-8 encodings are built into Xpdf.

#textEncoding        UTF-8

# Choose the end-of-line convention for multi-line copy-and-paste.
# The available options are unix, mac, and dos.

#textEOL        unix

#----- misc settings

# Enable anti-aliasing of fonts. Default "yes".

#antialias        no

# Set the command used to run a web browser when a URL hyperlink is
# clicked.

urlCommand    "sensible-browser '%s'"

# Unbind arrow keys so we can change fullscreen behavior
unbind down any
unbind right any
unbind up any
unbind left any

# Rebind arrow keys to defaults in the windowed context
bind down window scrollDown(16)
bind right window scrollRight(16)
bind up window scrollUp(16)
bind left window scrollLeft(16)

# Bind arrow keys to next/prev page actions in the fullscreen context
bind down fullScreen nextPage
bind right fullScreen nextPage
bind up fullScreen prevPage
bind left fullScreen prevPage

# Include additional character maps (these are provided by the
# poppler-data package). The /etc/xpdf/includes file is automatically
# kept up to date by the package scripts. See the file itself for
# more details.
include /etc/xpdf/includes

Michel Karatchentzeff
Fondation Louis de Broglie, 23, rue Marsoulan, 75012 Paris, FRANCE