Re: Multicast et switchs


Nachricht beantworten
Autor: Hervé de Dianous
To: guilde
Betreff: Re: Multicast et switchs
Le 09/06/2016 12:10, Frédéric a écrit :
> Hello,

Hi !

> "It makes the client subscribe to the multicast address. This is
> important in a scenario with multicast-aware switches/routers. If you
> don't subscribe to a multicast address, a multicast-aware switch/router
> will not forward the multicast messages to you. If you are working with
> "cheap/non-multicast-aware" switches this doesn't matter since the
> switch will treat all multicasts als broadcasts."

Le concept important est : un client souscrit au multicast.
Autrement dit le client DOIT souscrire.

Çà dépend donc du Switch : est-il "multicast-aware" ?
Si oui il y a obligation de souscription du client.
D'où le patch !
Si non, rien à f....e, le broadcast suffit à la manière d'un Hub ;)