Re: Problèmeédition des liens X11

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Autor: Edgar Bonet
A: guilde
Assumptes nous: Re: Problèmeéditio n des liens X11
Assumpte: Re: Problèmeédition des liens X11
Le jeudi 13 septembre, Frédéric Mantegazza a écrit :
>                 cc -DUNIX -D_THREAD_SAFE -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXau
> -lXdmcp -o cv  cv.o ../numlib/libnum.a ../plot/libplot.a -lm -lpthread

Essaye aussi de mettre les options -lX* à la fin. D'après man gcc :

    It makes a difference where in the command you write this
    [-llibrary] option; the linker searches and processes libraries
    and object files in the order they are specified.  Thus, foo.o
    -lz bar.o searches library z after file foo.o but before bar.o.
    If bar.o refers to functions in z, those functions may not be
    loaded. [...] The linker handles an archive file by scanning
    through it for members which define symbols that have so far
    been referenced but not defined.

