著者: Xavier Bestel 日付: To: Frédéric CC: ML Guilde 題目: Re: VRML
On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 12:16, Frédéric wrote: > Existe-t-il des outils pour visualiser un fichier vrml, sous Linux ?
[xav@bip:~]$ apt-cache search vrml
admesh - a tool for processing triangulated solid meshes
dime - DXF Import, Manipulation, and Export programs
freefem3d - A language and solver for partial differential equations in 3D
gtklookat - VRML viewer for GTK+
libcoin40-dev - high-level 3D graphics devkit with Open Inventor and VRML97 support
libcoin40-doc - high-level 3D graphics kit with Open Inventor and VRML97 support
libcoin40c2 - high-level 3D graphics kit with Open Inventor and VRML97 support - runtime
libopenvrml-doc - documentation for openvrml
libopenvrml5 - runtime shared library for VRML
libopenvrml5-dev - developer libraries for openvrml
mayavi - A scientific data visualization system
openvrml-lookat - VRML viewer
vrweb - A VRML browser and editor
wings3d - Nendo-inspired 3D polygon mesh modeller