Xine et DVD

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著者: remi FERNANDEZ
To: guilde
題目: Xine et DVD

Je cherche à lire des DVD avec FC4.

Pour ce faire, j'ai installé xine et xine-lib à partir du

Ensuite, j'ai ajouté libdvdread, libdvdplay, livdvdnav et
libdvdcss pour acceder à la lecture des dvd cryptés.

Et malgres mes efforts, je n'ai pas de resultats...

j'ai essayé un peu de voir ce qui merdait avec xine-check et
la je m'appercoit que xine-lib n'est pas reconnu, alors que

#rpm-q xine-lib donne

Je précise les resultats de ce qui ne marche pas quand meme:
Je n'ai pas d'image, juste un fond bleu,
Le son à l'air de fonctionner,
la navigation dans les titres aussi car je peut me promener
dans les chapitres...

Si quelqu'un à une idée, je suis prenneur...


ps: le résultat de xine-check:
[ good ] you're using Linux, doing specific tests
[ good ] looks like you have a /proc filesystem mounted.
[ good ] You seem to have a reasonable kernel version
[ good ] intel compatible processor, checking MTRR support
[ good ] you have MTRR support and there are some ranges set.
[ good ] found the player at /usr/bin/xine
[ good ] /usr/bin/xine is in your PATH
[ hint ] No xine-config found. Assuming xine from RPMs
         The xine-config script can be used to determine some
file locations
         used by xine-lib, but you don't have such a script on
your system.
         However, it looks like you installed xine from the
RedHat packages.
         So I'll just guess that you are using the standard
         If you want me to be sure about those file locations,
you can install
         the 'xine-lib-devel' package (or 'xine-devel', depend
on what packages
         you're using, which contains xine-config. However,
this package is
         not really needed to run xine...
         press <enter> to continue...
[ good ] plugin directory /usr/lib/xine/plugins exists.
[ good ] found unknown plugin: *.so
[OUCH!!] There are no input plugins.
         xine needs at least one input plugin, but none is
         You should probably reinstall xine-lib...
         press <enter> to continue...
[OUCH!!] There are no demux plugins.
         xine needs at least one demux plugin, but none is
         You should probably reinstall xine-lib...
         press <enter> to continue...
[OUCH!!] There are no decoder plugins.
         xine needs at least one decoder plugin, but none is
         You should probably reinstall xine-lib...
         press <enter> to continue...
[OUCH!!] There are no video_out plugins.
         xine needs at least one video_out plugin, but none is
         You should probably reinstall xine-lib...
         press <enter> to continue...
[OUCH!!] There are no audio_out plugins.
         xine needs at least one audio_out plugin, but none is
         You should probably reinstall xine-lib...
         press <enter> to continue...
[ good ] skin directory /usr/share/xine/skins exists.
[ good ] found logo in /usr/share/xine/skins
[ good ] I even found some skins.
[ good ] /dev/cdrom points to /dev/hdc
[ good ] /dev/dvd points to /dev/hdc
[ good ] DMA is enabled for your DVD drive
[ good ] found xvinfo: X-Video Extension version 2.2
[ good ] your Xv extension supports YV12 overlays (improves
MPEG performance)
[ good ] your Xv extension supports YUY2 overlays
[ good ] Xv ports:  YUY2 YV12 I420 UYVY

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