Autor: david Datum: To: david CC: cyberbase, Betreff: Re: configuration proxy automatique
Selon david@???:
> Selon cyberbase <cyberbase@???>:
> > Bonjour à toute la Guilde.
> > J'ai monter un serveur proxy avec le filtrage de contenu dansguardian.
> > Désormais j'aimerais que les postes clients utilise le proxy sans avoir
> > a configurer manuellement tout les navigateurs.
> > Comment faire?
> >
> Configuring your sme server to use Proxy port 8080
> By default the proxy server is on port 3128
> To change this setting to port 8080 permanently, do the following
> To change the default Transparent proxy port on sme server
> /sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop squid TransparentPort 8080
> /sbin/e-smith/signal-event post-upgrade
> /sbin/e-smith/signal-event reboot
> Then configure your browser to either automatically detect the port
> la suite est aussi interessante.
Additionally you may wish to prevent users configuring their browser to use port
3128 in order to circumvent Dansguardian, and thus allow unimpeded access to the
Note at this stage these are the only details available. You will have to
determine the correct custom template fragments to use & which template to
expand yourself
To block access to port 80 and 3128 and force users to use 8080
add the following and remove the transproxy lines from masq
The following applies to sme v5.6 or v6.0 which use iptables.
Earlier sme versions require a different fix as they use ipchains.
> ca se passe de traduction je pense. sauf peut être "expand the template" je ne vois pas! > tu as installé une sme julien?
> ou uniquement dansguardian?
> +++
> David