> Juste pour ajouter que j'ai trouvé un exemple du style :
> \toto, "|/usr/bin/procmail"
> et que cette syntaxe semble fonctionner, mais j'aimerais bien comprendre ;-)
Moi, j'ai ca dans .forward :
"|IFS=' '&&exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 jeanluc"
# * Pipe the mail to the following command(s):
# * Set the shell's "inter-field seperator" (IFS) to a space, and -- if that went O.K. (&&) execute the program named
# "/usr/local/bin/procmail"
# (yours may need to be different -- try the command 'which procmail' to see if it's on the path or 'locate procmail'
# if your system maintains a file locator database).
# * The procmail program is being passed a set of switches: "-f-" which tells it to "update timestamp in the leading
# the 'From' * line in the header"
# (this last bit is rather obscure and has to do with how messages are normally stored in your "incoming" or
# mail file or "spool" as we Unix hacks like to call it).
# * The next part of this .forward command is the Bourne shell's "||" operator which is basically a continuation
# from the "and" (&&) operator that we used before. It says "or" (if that command didn't work -- i.e. it
# returned any error) then "exit" (stop processing) and return an error number 75 (which we presume is meaningful
# to sendmail -- the program that called this command).
mais ca va pas t'avancer beaucoup
Bonne chance avec la doc exim ;-)
Sinon, j'ai aussi une autre reponse :
"hey ... facile ! ...RTFM " ( ouiais, des fois, y'en a marre)