Debian: apt-proxy


Nachricht beantworten
Autor: Yves Martin
To: guilde
Betreff: Debian: apt-proxy


Pour un cours Linux, je veux mettre en place un mirroir de package .deb
pour économiser notre bande passante (15 installations en parallèle) et
on m'a conseillé plutôt apt-proxy.

Oui mais après installation, pas de debconf. Donc je regarde dpkg -L apt-proxy
pour voir ce qu'il y a dedans. Je lis la doc mais pas moyen d'initialiser le
cache correctement. Cela fait bien 2 heures que je suis dessus et je n'avance

Est-ce qu'un ame charitable peut m'aiguiller dans mon problème ?
Merci d'avance.

Voici les backends de mon apt-proxy.conf

add_backend /debian/                                    \
        $APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian/                        \

add_backend /non-US/                                    \
        $APT_PROXY_CACHE/non-US/                        \

add_backend /security/                                  \
        $APT_PROXY_CACHE/security/                      \           \

Voici ma config de client APT (en test sur la même machine !):

deb http://localhost:9999/debian/ stable main non-free contrib

Voici les erreurs du apt-get update:
Err http://localhost stable/main Packages
404 File does not exist on any server
Ign http://localhost stable/main Release
Err http://localhost stable/non-free Packages
404 File does not exist on any server
Ign http://localhost stable/non-free Release
Err http://localhost stable/contrib Packages
404 directory does not exist on any server
Ign http://localhost stable/contrib Release
Failed to fetch
http://localhost:9999/debian/dists/stable/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 File
does not exist on any server
Failed to fetch
http://localhost:9999/debian/dists/stable/non-free/binary-i386/Packages 404
File does not exist on any server
Failed to fetch
http://localhost:9999/debian/dists/stable/contrib/binary-i386/Packages 404
directory does not exist on any server

Voici les logs de apt-proxy.log:

[941 07:34:26] Tue Jun 22 07:34:26 CEST 2004 Request
[941 07:34:27] Bad URL /debian/dists/stable/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz File
does not exist on any server
[941 07:34:27] Tue Jun 22 07:34:27 CEST 2004 Request
[941 07:34:28] Bad URL /debian/dists/stable/main/binary-i386/Release File does
not exist on any server
[941 07:34:28] Tue Jun 22 07:34:28 CEST 2004 Request
[941 07:34:29] Bad URL /debian/dists/stable/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz
File does not exist on any server
[941 07:34:29] Tue Jun 22 07:34:29 CEST 2004 Request
[941 07:34:30] Bad URL /debian/dists/stable/non-free/binary-i386/Release File
does not exist on any server
[941 07:34:30] Tue Jun 22 07:34:30 CEST 2004 Request
[941 07:34:30] Bad URL /dists/stable/contrib directory does not exist on any server
[1487 07:34:30] Tue Jun 22 07:34:30 CEST 2004 Request
[1487 07:34:30] Bad URL /dists/stable/contrib directory does not exist on any

Je tente l'import d'après la lecture du README.

aptproxy@leaffy:~$ /usr/sbin/apt-proxy-import -d /var/cache/apt/archives
Backend /var/cache/apt-proxy/debian/ does not have filelists - skipped
Backend /var/cache/apt-proxy/non-US/ does not have filelists - skipped
Backend /var/cache/apt-proxy/security/ does not have filelists - skipped
apt-proxy-import: No backend filelists found.

Bref, il manque quelque chose pour initialiser le système. Mais quoi ?
Merci de me tirer de cette situation désespérante...
Yves Martin