Re: Win 98 ou mieux

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Autor: alain.dieudonne
Data: 2004-02-04 16:49 -000
A: guilde
Assumpte: Re: Win 98 ou mieux
Le mer 04/02/2004 à 13:51, Jean-Marc Coursimault a écrit :
> Un message sur notre intranet :
> On the subject of <notre tech support>...
> When they first came to <ma société>, they did inventory to see what
> machines they had to deal with. My friend had a Sun workstation. A
> <support> person walked into his cube and asked what kind of PC that was.
> If a <support> person asks you what your Linux machine is, just tell them
> that the software box said to install MS Windows 98 or better, so you
> installed Linux.
> <name witheld>

et en français? on a une idée de ce que ça veut dire? (en gros, car a part l'anglais technique moi.... ;))

alain.dieudonne <alain.dieudonne@???>