Autor: Christian Marillat Data: A: guilde Assumpte: Re: wiki-like
Frederic Mantegazza <mantegazza@???> writes:
> On Wednesday 07 January 2004 15:29, Spengler Xavier wrote:
> PS: Christian, pour la woody, je n'ai rien trouve avec apt-cache search
> wiki. Que des trucs pour emacs ou zope. Tu peux m'envoyer le resultat ? Ca
> me permettra de tenter un retro-portage...
Il y a deux trois trucs à jeter.
abiword-plugins - Plugins for AbiWord
aswiki - WikiWikiWeb clone (Wiki Engine) written in Ruby
docbook-xsl - Stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files to various output formats.
emacs-wiki - Maintain a local Wiki using Emacs-friendly markup
hiki - Wiki Engine written in Ruby
kwiki - A Quickie Wiki that's not too Tricky
libapache-miniwiki-perl - Miniature Wiki for Apache
moin - MoinMoin - a Python clone of WikiWiki
parsewiki - Documentation System Based on ASCII Text
phpwiki - An informal collaborative website manager
planner-el - The Emacs Planner
tdiary - New generation weblog, which has many features like TSUKKOMI
twiki - A Web Based Collaboration Platform
usemod-wiki - Perl-based Wiki clone
wiliki - Yet another Wiki clone written in Scheme
zope-translationservice - A location-aware translation service for Zope
zope-zwiki - WikiWikiWeb on Zope
jspwiki - WikiWikiWeb clone written in Java