----- Original Message -----
From: "Sylvain Letuffe gplservice.fr" <sylvain@???>
To: <guilde@???>
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: cde pour avoir la durée d'un fichier son
| > Je cherche une commande pour avoir la durée d'un fichier son.
| > Je transforme les messages vocaux (rmd) en fichier son (ogg, wav, mp3)
| ogg -> ogginfo à la ligne de commande ( avec un peu de | grep | cut)
| mp3 -> mpginfo ( pareil )
ogginfo: c'est ok
[root@maison1 tmp]# ogginfo v-2355-1071830520-P.ogg
Processing file "v-2355-1071830520-P.ogg"...
New logical stream (#1, serial: 5119e22c): type vorbis
Vorbis headers parsed for stream 1, information follows...
Version: 0
Vendor: Xiph.Org libVorbis I 20020717 (1.0)
Channels: 1
Rate: 8000
Nominal bitrate: 14,000000 kb/s
Upper bitrate not set
Lower bitrate not set
Vorbis stream 1:
Total data length: 561304 bytes
Playback length: 4m:44s
Average bitrate: 15,778039 kbps
Logical stream 1 ended
mpginfo : pas ok....
J'ai récupéré mpgtx....
compilé et test...
J'ai créé le mp3 avec lame.
[root@maison1 tmp]# mpgtx -i v-2355-1071830520-P.mp3
Skipped -2 zeroes at start of file
mpgtx: AT EOF - please stop me!
mmm, this file does not start with a pack, offset: -2
use the desperate_mode switch as the first option -X to search for a header
in the whole file!
if you want to force the operation. May yield to an endless loop if no valid
header is found!
Does not even begin with a 00 00 01 xx sequence!
v-2355-1071830520-P.mp3 is not a valid mpeg file
[root@maison1 tmp]# mpginfo v-2355-1071830520-P.mp3
Skipped -2 zeroes at start of file
mpgtx: AT EOF - please stop me!
mmm, this file does not start with a pack, offset: -2
use the desperate_mode switch as the first option -X to search for a header
in the whole file!
if you want to force the operation. May yield to an endless loop if no valid
header is found!
Does not even begin with a 00 00 01 xx sequence!
v-2355-1071830520-P.mp3 is not a valid mpeg file
Vous utilisez quel logiciel pour mpginfo?