[Fwd: [NNL] Rachat de Cygnus par Red Hat]


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Betreff: [Fwd: [NNL] Rachat de Cygnus par Red Hat]
Ben si ca ne declenche pas une gueguerre du genre

- Red-hat devient le nouveau MS
- Mais non, mais non
etc... etc...

C'est que je ne m'y connais plus!!!

A plus .

Rachat de Cygnus par Red Hat
[Auteur: [1]Stéfane Fermigier.]

La rumeur de la semaine dernière se confirme: Red Hat a racheté Cygnus
pour un gros paquet d'actions (674 millions de $ au cours actuel. Red
Hat s'offre ainsi une équipe de développeurs de très haut niveau, à un
moment où les compétences dans le domaine des logiciels libres sont
particulièrement demandées, et surtout le contrôle du développement du
compilateur GCC. Enfin Cygnus devrait apporter à Red Hat ses
compétences dans le domaine du contrôle de la qualité, un domaine où
il est connu que Red Hat est loin d'exceller.

Mais ce rachat, et l'expansion de Red Hat dans l'industrie des
services, rend à présent trouble le positionnement de Red Hat comme
société de 'branding' et comme portail Web et inquitète certains
développeurs, comme [2]DJ Delorie, responsable du portage de GCC sous

     I would replace "excited" with "concerned" myself. I think smaller
     companies can maintain focus better, will retain their links with
     the free software community better, and in general be more in tune
     with their corporate health. I've worked for large companies, and I
     felt they couldn't even keep track of their own factions, let alone
     the outside community. [...] The free software movement has been
     about people doing the job right, not doing it quickly. We see what
     happens when companies (MS) push for speedy delivery instead of
     quality work. Is this the fate of free software also?

Cependant, pour [3]Tim O'Reilly:

     Size does matter. And despite Red Hat's huge market cap, it is a
     tiny company. It needs to get big fast, or it will be history
     because it won't live up to that market cap. This is why O'Reilly
     has never gone that route--once you take money, the rules are
     different, and it's as easy to be the goat as it is to be the god.
     But note that this isn't necessarily bad. If having RH as a
     stronger competitor to MS is a good thing, using the tools that you
     get from financing in the public markets can be a really good
     thing. It's a calculated risk, one that RH decided to take, and if
     you don't understand the stakes, now is not the time to complain.
     The decision that led to the merger with Cygnus (and likely with
     other OSS companies in the future) was one that was implicit in the
     original decision by RH to go public. It's not a surprise.


1. mailto:linux-center@linux-center.org
2. http://www.delorie.com/
3. http://www.ora.com/

Nnl maillist - Nnl@???