Gwenael Moreau wrote:
> Ayant lu que la commande rpm -Va vérifiait l'ensemble des packages, je
> l'ai lancée ...
> Seul problème comment interpréter sa sortie ???
> Je vous l'attache si quelqu'un sait comment ça se lit ???
Ben y'as au moins ta page man qui le sais (man rpm) je cite:
The format of the output is a string of 8 characters, a possible
"c" denoting a configuration file, and then the file name. Each
of the 8 characters denotes the result of a comparison of one
attribute of the file to the value of that attribute recorded in
the RPM database. A single "." (period) means the test passed.
The following characters denote failure of certain tests:
5 MD5 sum
S File size
L Symlink
T Mtime
D Device
U User
G Group
M Mode (includes permissions and file type)
> .......T c /etc/printcap
Ton fichier /etc/printcap a vu sa date modifie
> .M...... /mnt/floppy
tu as modifie les droit d'acces a ton /mnt/floppy
> S.5....T c /etc/X11/fvwm/system.fvwmrc
la t'as modifie pleins de trucs
etc ....