Re: pb AMD pcnet/pci et linux Linux on Kayak/XU


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Autor: Tim Walker
To: guilde
Betreff: Re: pb AMD pcnet/pci et linux Linux on Kayak/XU
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Tim Walker                                             Hewlett-Packard
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Linux on Kayak/XU


Linux on Kayak/XU


Local FTP area


Advanced Search

Ovidiu Predescu


This machine is a Kayak/XU - 333Mhz with 128Mb of RAM running RedHat Linux. It has a P1100 21" monitor that displays at 1600x1200 at 76Hz.

General setup
The default installation of RedHat 5.1 does not recognize the network card. In order to solve the problem I had to compile the 2.0.35 kernel. To do this, you have to download the kernel from the Internet first. One place that always contains all the 2.0 kernels is When you configure the kernel select in the "Network device support" section the "AMD PCI PCnet32 (PCI bus NE2100 cards) support" card.

There's no problem in setting up the XFree86 server. The only problem with it is that it doesn't support resolutions bigger than 1280x1024 out-of-the-box and if you have a big monitor like me it would be nice to have a bigger resolution.

After spending half of a day reading the documentation and figuring out the parameters, I was able to have a nice resolution: 1600x1200 at 76Hz. I also managed to setup the power on savings for the monitor. Here is my XF86Config file.


Setup the DNS entries first. Here is my /etc/resolv.conf file. If you don't know what to put in it, just take a look at the similar file on one of the HP-UX machines on which you work.

In order to have access with telnet and ftp through the firewall you have to install and setup a SOCKS5 client. You can get this distribution from It compiles and installs without problems on Linux. Then create two files: /etc/libsocks5.conf and /etc/socks.conf. If you like create some aliases in your shell rc file to use the "socksified" versions of telnet and ftp:

alias ncftp='runsocks ncftp'
alias ftp=rftp
alias telnet=rtelnet
alias ping=rping

I wasn't able to make the sound card work using the native SoundBlaster device-driver that comes with the kernel sources. If you make it please let me know. I bought the OSS driver from 4Front Technologies, which is $20. If you do this don't setup any sound support at all in the kernel.

Email handling

I use sendmail to send messages from my machine to a mail relay
machine called anteater which is inside HP. Here is my /etc/ file. This file configures sendmail to send all the messages to anteater, including those that contain unqualified names like root and news. Be careful with
aliases file otherwise all the email for these accounts will end up to your administrator ;-). Here is my /etc/aliases file. After you update your aliases file don't forget to run newaliases as root.

To retrieve the email, I have setup fetchmail to retrieve the email from the mail server. It comes already installed on RedHat Linux. Then you should decide on where do you want to store the email. I chose to keep it locally on my machine, so I use POP3 to retrieve the email from the email server. Here is an example of configuration file you can use. cllmail is the name of the machine from which I retrieve the email. I put this file in ~root/.fetchmailrc and I start up the fetchmail as a daemon when the computer boots up. This is done automatically using the /etc/rc.d/init.d/fetchmail file. You will have to do links from this file into /etc/rc.d/rc3.d and /etc/rc.d/rc5.d so that it is automatically started:

ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/fetchmail /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S86fetchmail
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/fetchmail /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S86fetchmail

There are lots of other possibilities to setup fetchmail, depending on how do you want to use your machine.

The next thing to do is to decide on what mailer program to use. I use Exmh which is a free program with lots of features. You can setup procmail to automatically sort the incoming messages in folders. Here is a simple example of my ~/.procmailrc

You should setup Netscape to use the Web proxy server. You could do this in Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Proxies. Select the "Manual proxy configuration" and click on the "View..." button. In the new window that appears, setup the FTP, Gopher, HTTP, Security and WAIS proxies to be web_proxy with port 8088.

You would also want to download the latest version of Netscape with strong encryption as the version that comes in the RedHat's distribution supports only 40 bit encryption.