> Y-a-t il un moyen de dire dans le langage HTML qu'un document ne doit
> pas etre pris en compte dans le cache d'un browser. Le but etant de
> forcer le rechargement a chaque nouvel acces.
Au niveau HTML non, je crois pas.
C'est au niveau HTTP (transport) que ca se passe. Il faut demander a apache
de rajouter un header donnant la limite de validite du document.
J'ai pas la doc sous les yeux mais le mieux c'est de regarder
s'il y a des options de ce type dans les docs de configuration
de Apache.
D'apres un bref coup d'oeil aux sources, c'est le module mod_expires
de apache qui fournit ca . D'apres le source :
* Valid directives are:
* ExpiresActive on | off
* ExpiresDefault <code><seconds>
* ExpiresByType type/encoding <code><seconds>
* Valid values for <code> are:
* 'M' expires header shows file modification date + <seconds>
* 'A' expires header shows access time + <seconds>
* [I'm not sure which of these is best under different
* circumstances, I guess it's for other people to explore.
* The effects may be indistinguishable for a number of cases]
* <seconds> should be an integer value [acceptable to atoi()]
* There is NO space between the <code> and <seconds>.
* For example, a directory which contains information which changes
* frequently might contain:
* # reports generated by cron every hour. don't let caches
* # hold onto stale information
* ExpiresDefault M3600
* Another example, our html pages can change all the time, the gifs
* tend not to change often:
* # pages are hot (1 week), images are cold (1 month)
* ExpiresByType text/html A604800
* ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000
* Expires can be turned on for all URLs on the server by placing the
* following directive in a conf file:
* ExpiresActive on
* ExpiresActive can also appear in .htaccess files, enabling the
* behaviour to be turned on or off for each chosen directory.
* # turn off Expires behaviour in this directory
* # and subdirectories
* ExpiresActive off
* Directives defined for a directory are valid in subdirectories
* unless explicitly overridden by new directives in the subdirectory
* .htaccess files.
* Directives can also be defined in a more readable syntax of the form:
* ExpiresDefault "<base> [plus] {<num> <type>}*"
* ExpiresByType type/encoding "<base> [plus] {<num> <type>}*"
* where <base> is one of:
* access
* now equivalent to 'access'
* modification
* where the 'plus' keyword is optional
* where <num> should be an integer value [acceptable to atoi()]
* where <type> is one of:
* years
* months
* weeks
* days
* hours
* minutes
* seconds
* For example, any of the following directives can be used to make
* documents expire 1 month after being accessed, by default:
* ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
* ExpiresDefault "access plus 4 weeks"
* ExpiresDefault "access plus 30 days"
* The expiry time can be fine-tuned by adding several '<num> <type>'
* clauses:
* ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 1 month 15 days 2 hours"
* ExpiresByType image/gif "modification plus 5 hours 3 minutes"
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Daniel.Veillard@??? | MIT/LCS Room NE43-344 | Today's Bookmarks :
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http://www.w3.org/People/W3Cpeople.html#Veillard | HTTP-NG and Amaya.